- 1 Section
- 50 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
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- Flutter Development By Eng-Mohamed Fathy Taha50
- 2.1Flutter introduction to mobile development10 Minutes
- 2.2Flutter why you should learn and how it works9 Minutes
- 2.3Flutter installing flutter on windows21 Minutes
- 2.4Flutter create new project using the CLI8 Minutes
- 2.5Flutter Introduction to widgets20 Minutes
- 2.6Flutter Introduction to iOS Cupertino Widgets9 Minutes
- 2.7Flutter learn flutter through dartpad dev10 Minutes
- 2.8Flutter Hot reload, Stateless Widget and Event listener23 Minutes
- 2.9Flutter Stateful Widget10 Minutes
- 2.10Flutter Colors and text style22 Minutes
- 2.11Flutter Assets and Network Images13 Minutes
- 2.12Flutter Fade in images with a placeholder11 Minutes
- 2.13Flutter Fade in images with an assets placeholder7 Minutes
- 2.14Flutter all about Row and Column Widgets26 Minutes
- 2.15Flutter Work with cached images12 Minutes
- 2.16Flutter all about IntrinsicWidth, IntrinsicHeight and Stack23 Minutes
- 2.17Flutter Expanded and Constrained Widgets13 Minutes
- 2.18Flutter all about Container Widget Part121 Minutes
- 2.19Flutter all about Container Widget Part 29 Minutes
- 2.20Flutter Material and Sliver Widget17 Minutes
- 2.21Flutter SizedBox and SafeArea Widgets12 Minutes
- 2.22Flutter FlatButton and FlatButton.icon Widgets11 Minutes
- 2.23Flutter RaisedButton, RaisedButton.icon and IconButton Widgets10 Minutes
- 2.24Flutter all about FloatingActionButton widget22 Minutes
- 2.25Flutter ButtonBar and DropdownButton widgets15 Minutes
- 2.26Flutter PopupMenuButton, PopupMenuDivider and PopupMenuItem Widgets17 Minutes
- 2.27Flutter AppBar Icons and PopupMenuButton20 Minutes
- 2.28Flutter Navigation Drawer14 Minutes
- 2.29Flutter SnackBar inside the scaffold build widget error and solutions15 Minutes
- 2.30Flutter work with tabs9 Minutes
- 2.31Flutter Use themes to share colors and font styles26 Minutes
- 2.32Flutter all about ListView Part 215 Minutes
- 2.33Flutter all about ListView Part 121 Minutes
- 2.34Flutter GridView17 Minutes
- 2.35Flutter Dialogs – AlertDialog16 Minutes
- 2.36Flutter Custom Dialog in details36 Minutes
- 2.37Flutter Full Screen Dialog11 Minutes
- 2.38Flutter Fancy Dialog using external package11 Minutes
- 2.39Flutter Routes – On the fly routes21 Minutes
- 2.40Flutter Routes – Named Routes15 Minutes
- 2.41Flutter Pass arguments to a named route23 Minutes
- 2.42Flutter Routes – Return data from a screen24 Minutes
- 2.43Flutter Routes – Pass data through the basic route23 Minutes
- 2.44Flutter all types of push methods push, pushReplacement, pushAndRemoveUntil and more39 Minutes
- 2.45Flutter pop, maybePop, canPop,popAndPushNamed and popUntil29 Minutes
- 2.46Flutter Build a form with validation21 Minutes
- 2.47Flutter Forms Focus and text fields18 Minutes
- 2.48Flutter Handle changes to a text field15 Minutes
- 2.49Flutter Switch Widget7 Minutes
- 2.50Flutter Radio & RadioListTile12 Minutes
Course Features
- Lectures 50
- Quiz 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 319
- Assessments Yes