كورس خوارزميات و داتا استراكشرز و التطبيق بلغة جافا
I’ll illustrate algorithms and data structures course, and implement the data structures using java programming language.
the playlist language is Arabic.
The Topics:
1- Arrays
2- Linear and Binary search
3- Linked List
4- Recursion
5– Algorithm analysis
6- Stack
7- Queue
8- Binary search tree
9- Selection sort
10- Insertion sort
11- Bubble sort
12- merge sort
13- Quick sort
14- Graphs
15- Hash table
16- Binary Heaps
Reference : Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java – Third Edition by NELL DALE, DANEIEL T.JOYCE and CHIP WEIMS
Slides is owned by College of Computing & Information Technology King Abdelaziz University, So thanks a lot for these great materials You can found the Slides here: https://www.slideshare.net/MohamedElsayed481
Course Features
- Lectures 46
- Quiz 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language Arabic
- Students 148
- Assessments Yes